Converts the specified Acceleration to another unit of Acceleration.
Enter the Acceleration and unit you want to convert and click the "Convert Acceleration" button to convert to a Acceleration in another unit.
Convert 1 Kilomete par hour par second
Unit name | Value | Unit | |
Metre per second squared | 0.27777777777778 | m/s2 | |
Kilomete par hour par second | 1 | km/h/s | 1 km/(h·s) |
Foot per second squared | 0.91134441528142 | fps2 | 1 ft/s2 |
Foot per minute per second | 54.680664916885 | fpm/s | 1 ft/(min·s) |
Foot per second per hour | 3280.8398950131 | fph/s | 1 ft/(h·s) |
Inch per second squared | 10.936132983377 | ips2 | 1 in/s2 |
Inch per minute per second | 656.16797900262 | ipm/s | 1 in/(min·s) |
Mile per second squared | 0.00017260310895481 | mps2 | 1 mi/s2 |
Mile per minute per second | 0.010356186537289 | mpm/s | 1 mi/(min·s) |
Knot per second | 0.53995680345572 | kn/s | 1 kn/s |
Standard gravity | 0.028325450360498 | g | 9.80665 m/s2 |
Gal | 27.777777777778 | Gal | 10-2 m/s2 |