- ・Prime factorization The value entered is the prime factorization.
- ・Greatest common divisor (two numbers) Greatest common divisor of two numbers is calculated.
- ・Greatest common divisor (three numbers) The greatest common divisor of three numbers is calculated.
- ・Divisor Divisors of the values entered are calculated.
- ・Common divisor (two numbers) Common divisor of two numbers is calculated.
- ・Common divisor (three numbers) Common divisor of three numbers is calculated.
- ・Least common multiple (two numbers) Least common multiple of two numbers is calculated.
- ・Least common multiple (three numbers) Least common multiple of three numbers is calculated.
- ・Common multiple (two numbers) Common multiple of two numbers is calculated.
- ・Common multiple (three numbers) Calculate the common multiple of three numbers.
- Front page
- Calculate divisor and multiple
Calculate divisor and multiple
- ・Prime factorization
- ・Greatest common divisor (two numbers)
- ・Greatest common divisor (three numbers)
- ・Divisor
- ・Common divisor (two numbers)
- ・Common divisor (three numbers)
- ・Least common multiple (two numbers)
- ・Least common multiple (three numbers)
- ・Common multiple (two numbers)
- ・Common multiple (three numbers)