Money Calculator
・Consumption Tax Calculator Calculate the consumption tax and tax-included amount from the tax-excluded amount and tax rate.
・Calculate tax excluded from tax included Calculates the tax-exclusive amount and consumption tax amount from the tax-inclusive amount.
・Calculate total consumption tax Calculate the product total and tax-inclusive amount from the amounts and tax rates of multiple products.
・Daily Rate Calculator Calculate the pro-rated amount per day and the total number of days from the monthly amount and period.
・Daily Salary Calculator Daily wage is calculated from start and end time and hourly wage.
・Calculate monthly salary from hourly wage Calculate daily wage, monthly wage, etc. from hourly wage, working hours, and number of working days.
・Calculates hourly wage from daily wage Calculates hourly wage, monthly wage, etc. from daily wage, working hours, and number of working days.
・Calculate hourly wage from monthly salary Calculates hourly wage, daily wage, etc. from monthly salary, working hours, and number of working days.
・Calculate hourly wage from annual income Calculate hourly wage, daily wage, etc. from annual income, working hours, and working days.
・Overtime Pay Calculator Extra overtime pay for overtime work is calculated from the hourly wage and working hours.
・Overtime Pay Calculator(late night, holiday) Calculate overtime pay by entering hours by type, such as late night or holidays.
・Gasoline Cost Calculator Calculates the amount and price of gasoline required based on mileage, fuel consumption, and gasoline price.
Money Calculator
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