Calculate hourly wage, daily wage, etc. from annual income, working hours, and working days.
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- Calculate hourly wage from annual income
Calculate hourly wage from annual income
About calculation of hourly wage from annual income
If you input Annual income, Working hours, and Number of working days, it will calculate Hourly wage, Monthly salary, etc.
Enter working hours in Hour and Minute.
You can choose the number of working days per week or the number of days per month.
When calculating the number of days per week, one month is calculated as 4.345 weeks.
The fraction can be selected from Round down, Round up, and Round off.
Errors may occur due to Round minutes.
Method of calculation
Hourly wage
When calculating hourly wages from annual income, first divide the annual income by 12 to calculate the monthly salary, then divide the monthly salary by the number of days worked per month to calculate the daily wage.
Calculate the hourly wage by dividing the daily wage by the number of hours worked per day.
For example, let's say you work 20 days in a month, and each day you work for 9 hours and 30 minutes.
In this case, monthly salary = annual salary ÷ 12, daily salary = monthly salary ÷ 20.
Hourly wages are wages per hour, so hourly wage = daily wage ÷ (9 + (30/60)).
Monthly salary = Annual income ÷ 12
Daily wages = Monthly salary ÷ Number of working days per month
Hourly wage = Daily wages ÷ (Hour + (Minute ÷ 60))
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