Overtime Pay Calculator(late night, holiday)

About Overtime Pay Calculator(late night, holiday)

Calculates overtime pay for work that exceeds set working hours based on wages and hours for each type of overtime.

Enter Wage per hour(Hourly wage).

Enter the type and time of overtime and click the "Calculate overtime pay" button to calculate the overtime pay and total for each type of overtime.

By changing the premium rate, you can change the rate at which overtime pay is increased.

For the premium rate, enter how many times the hourly wage during overtime will be compared to the regular hourly wage.

For example, if you enter 1.5, the hourly wage during overtime will be multiplied by 1.5, and when the hourly wage is $15.00, the hourly wage during overtime will be $22.50.

Types of overtime and premium rates

For the premium rate for each type of overtime, the minimum premium rate specified in "Labor Standards Act" is input as the initial value.

For "Overtime work" and "Overtime work" + "Late night work", the premium rate will increase if the hours exceed 60 hours, but by checking "No settings for more than 60 hours", the premium rate will increase for hours exceeding 60 hours. You can also set no rate.

Types of overtime pay Minimum premium rate
Overtime work Less than 60 hours 25%
60 hours or more 50%
Overtime work + Late night work Less than 60 hours 50%
60 hours or more 75%
Legal holiday work 35%
Legal holiday work + Late night work 60%