Consumption Tax Calculator

About consumption tax calculation

The consumption tax and tax-included amount will be calculated from the entered tax-excluded amount and tax rate. You can enter the tax rate as any percentage.

When calculating Amount including tax, you can select Round down or Round off to process Fraction.

How to calculate consumption tax

When calculating consumption tax, multiply the tax-excluded amount by the tax rate percentage.

If the consumption tax is 8%, multiply the amount excluding tax by 0.08. If the consumption tax is 10%, multiply by 0.1.

If there is a product $100, and the consumption tax is 8%, it will be 100 × 0.08 = $8.

The tax-included amount will be 100 + 8 = $108 by adding this consumption tax to the original tax-exclusive amount.

Percentages represent the ratio when the whole is 100, so you can find the ratio when the whole is 1 by dividing the percentage by 100.

Therefore, you can calculate the consumption tax by dividing the consumption tax percentage by 100.

Consumption tax = Amount excluding tax × (Tax rate ÷ 100)

If the tax rate is 8%

Consumption tax = Amount excluding tax × 0.08

If the tax rate is 10%

Consumption tax = Amount excluding tax × 0.1

How to calculate the amount including tax

To calculate the tax-inclusive amount, multiply the tax-exclusive amount by the original amount plus the tax rate.

If the consumption tax is 8%, multiply the amount excluding tax by 1.08. If the consumption tax is 10%, multiply by 1.1.

If there is a product that costs $100 and the consumption tax is 8%, it will be 100 × 1.08 = $108.

Percentages represent the ratio when the whole is 100, so you can find the ratio when the whole is 1 by dividing the percentage by 100.

Therefore, you can find the amount including tax by dividing the consumption tax percentage by 100 and multiplying it by adding 1 to the original amount.

Amount including tax = Amount excluding tax × (1 + Tax rate ÷ 100)

If the tax rate is 8%

Amount including tax = Amount excluding tax × 1.08

If the tax rate is 10%

Amount including tax = Amount excluding tax × 1.1