Combination list creator

About Combination list creator

Enter multiple letters or words, separated by spaces or line breaks, and enter the number (r) of your choice.

Clicking the "View list" button will display a list of combinations when r characters are selected from the entered characters.

Even if you enter the same characters multiple times, a list will be created to ensure that the same combination is not repeated.

Checking "With Repetition" will allow repetition to be selected from a list of characters.(Combinations with repetition)

In the case of "With Repetition", if the same character is entered multiple times, it will be counted as one.

You can enter up to 10 characters or words, but if the total number of combinations is too large, an error will occur.

Displaying the combination list

The calculation results are displayed as a list of the total number of combinations and the combinations.

By changing Separator, you can choose the character separator within each combination from "Space", "No spaces", or "Comma delimited".

When "Display side by side" is selected, the combinations are displayed side by side, and when "View in tabular format" is selected, they are displayed vertically in a table format.