Convert to a common denominator

About converting fractions to a common denominator

Enter multiple fractions and click the "Calculate" button to convert the entered fractions to equivalent fractions with a common denominator and display the result.

Converts 2 to 4 fractions to equivalent fractions with a common denominator by changing "Number of fractions".

The numerator and denominator of a fraction can be entered as decimals.

You can enter up to 10 digits for the numerator and denominator.

The calculation method is also displayed along with the calculation.

What is converting fractions to a common denominator?

Converting fractions to a common denominator means making the denominators of two or more fractions with different denominators the same by using a common denominator.

By using the same denominators, you can add and subtract fractions and compare their sizes.

To convert to a common denominator, we use the property that the numerator and denominator of a fraction do not change when multiplied by the same number to make the denominators of the fractions the same.

For example, to align the denominators of 12 and 13, multiply the numerator and denominator of 12 by 3 and multiply the numerator and denominator of 13 by 2.

12 = 1 × 32 × 3 = 36

13 = 1 × 23 × 2 = 26

How to convert to a common denominator

  • 1. To make the denominators the same, first calculate the least common multiple of the denominators.
  • 2. Multiply the numerator and denominator by the same value so that the denominator of each fraction becomes the value found in step 2.

Calculation example

Example: Converts fractions 35 and 47 to equivalent fractions with a common denominator

To make the denominators the same, first calculate the least common multiple of the denominators.

The least common multiple of 5 and 7 is 35.

Multiply each fraction by 7 and 5 so that the denominator is 35.

35, 47

= 3 × 75 × 7 , 4 × 57 × 5

= 2135 , 2035

Therefore, converting 35, 47 to an equivalent fraction with a common denominator gives us 2135, 2035.

By converting to a common denominator, you can perform addition or compare 35 and 47 to see that 35 is larger.