Fraction to Percentage

About converting fractions to percentages

Enter the numerator and denominator and click the "Convert to percentage" button to convert the entered fraction into a percentage and display it.

If you check "Entering mixed fractions", you can enter the integer part and enter it as a mixed fraction.

The integer part, numerator, and denominator can be entered as decimals.

By changing the number of "Number of decimal places to round off", you can change how many digits are displayed in the calculation result.

For example, if you specify "2", the number will be rounded off to two decimal places.

It also shows you how to calculate a percentage from a fraction.

How to convert fractions to percentages

  • Convert fraction to percent
  • 1. To convert a fraction to a percentage, first convert it to a decimal by dividing the numerator by the denominator.
  • 2. For mixed fractions, you can add the integer parts separately and calculate the fraction as integer part + (numerator ÷ denominator).
  • 3. You can convert a decimal to a percentage by multiplying it by 100.

Calculation example

Example 1: Convert 15 to percentage

To convert a fraction to a percentage, first convert it to a decimal by dividing the numerator by the denominator.

15 = 1 ÷ 5
= 0.2

You can convert this 0.2 to a percentage by multiplying it by 100.

0.2 × 100 = 20%

Therefore, converting 15 to Percent results in 20%.

Example 2: Convert 358 to percentage

For mixed fractions, add the integer parts separately and convert to a decimal using integer part + (numerator ÷ denominator).

358 = 3 + (5 ÷ 8)
= 3 + 0.625
= 3.625

You can convert this 3.625 to a percentage by multiplying it by 100.

3.625 × 100 = 362.5%

Therefore, converting 358 to Percent results in 362.5%.