Speed ​​calculator

About speed ​​calculator

Enter the distance traveled, the time it took to travel that distance, and select the units for the resulting speed.

Click the "Calculate the speed" button to calculate the speed.

The time can be entered using "hours", "minutes", or "seconds". If left blank, the time will be calculated as 0.

Additionally, the resulting speeds are displayed in units other than the one selected.

How to calculate speed

What is speed?

Speed ​​is the distance traveled per unit time.

For example, 20km/h means moving 20km per hour.

So, speed can be calculated by dividing the distance traveled by the time.

Speed = Distance ÷ Time

Example: If it takes 3 hours to travel a distance of 90 km, what is your speed in km/h?

Speed = Distance ÷ Time, so
Speed = 90(km) ÷ 3(h)
= 30(km/h)

So the desired speed is 30km/h.

Calculation method when units are different

Depending on the unit of speed you want, you may need to convert distance or time units.

Example: If it takes 12 minutes to travel a distance of 3000 m, what is your speed in km/h?

At this point, we need to calculate how many kilometers per hour, so we convert time and distance: 12 minutes = 0.2 hours, 3000m = 3km.

Speed = Distance ÷ Time, so
Speed = 3(km) ÷ 0.2(h)
= 15(km/h)

So the desired speed is 15km/h.

Unit of speed

The desired speed can be entered in the following units:

Unit nameUnit
Millimeter per secondmm/s
Millimeter per minutemm/min
Millimeter per hourmm/h
Centimeter per secondcm/s
Centimeter per minutecm/min
Centimeter per hourcm/h
Metre per secondm/s
Metre per minutem/min
Metre per hourm/h
Kilometre per secondkm/s
Kilometre per minutekm/min
Kilometre per hourkm/h
Inche per secondin/s
Inche per minutein/min
Inche per hourin/h
Foot per secondfps
Foot per minutefpm
Foot per hourfph
Yard per secondyd/s
Yard per minuteyd/min
Yard per houryd/h
Mile per secondmps
Mile per minutempm
Mile per hourmph
Speed of lightc

Speed ​​calculatorSpeed ​​calculator

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