Travel time calculator

About travel time calculator

Enter the distance traveled and the speed, and select the units for each.

Click the "Calculate travel time" button to calculate the time required based on distance and speed.

The duration can also be displayed as "hours, minutes, seconds" and Days conversion, Hours conversion, Minutes conversion, Seconds conversion.

How to calculate travel time

What is travel time?

Travel time is the time it takes to travel a distance at a certain speed.

Speed ​​is the distance traveled per unit time, so to find the time required, you can divide the distance traveled by the speed.

Travel time = Distance ÷ Speed

Example: If you drive 30km at 10km per hour, how long will it take?

Travel time = Distance ÷ Speed, so
Travel time = 30(km) ÷ 10(km/h)
= 3(h)

So the estimated time required is 3 hours.

Calculation method when units are different

Depending on the units of distance traveled and speed, you may need to convert units.

Example: If you walk 8000m at 4km per hour, how long will it take?

In this case, the unit of distance is meters and the unit of speed is kilometers per hour, so we will convert the speed.

1km=1000m, so 4km/h=4000m/h.

Travel time = Distance ÷ Speed, so
Travel time = 8000(m) ÷ 4000(m/h)
= 2(h)

So the estimated time required is 2 hours.

Speed ​​calculatorSpeed ​​calculator

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