Compare child's height and weight

How to compare height and weight with average

The difference is calculated from the child's gender, age, height, and weight entered by comparing it with the national average.

You can enter the age from 1 to 20 years old.

The national average is compared using "Average height and weight for 2019 from the government statistics counter" data.

Average height and weight by gender and age

This is a list of national average height and weight by gender and age.

  Boy Girl
(years old)
Body weight
Body weight
1 79.6 10.3 76.6 9.7
2 89.0 12.2 88.2 12.3
3 95.6 13.8 95.7 13.9
4 103.7 16.4 102.9 16.5
5 110.5 18.2 107.5 17.7
6 114.9 20.6 114.7 20.4
7 122.7 24.7 121.1 21.8
8 126.3 25.8 125.5 25.9
9 132.5 30.1 133.1 30.4
10 138.1 33.9 138.7 32.2
11 147.2 41.3 144.0 36.5
12 148.0 41.3 150.9 41.9
13 156.5 44.7 154.8 48.8
14 166.8 56.1 155.5 48.4
15 169.3 59.2 159.2 51.2
16 168.9 60.8 158.0 48.9
17 171.5 64.0 158.4 52.6
18 171.1 61.2 156.0 49.6
19 170.4 60.6 156.7 48.7
20 170.2 57.0 158.6 49.0

Reference: General counter for government statistics: Average height and weight and standard deviation (2019)