Discomfort index calculator

About calculation of discomfort index

The discomfort index is calculated and displayed from the input temperature and humidity.

The discomfort index is an index that expresses the humidity of summer. Here, it is calculated from temperature and humidity.

Discomfort index Bodily sensation
Less than 55 Cold
55–60 Chilly
60–65 Not feel anything
65–70 Pleasant
70–75 Not hot
75–80 Slightly hot
80–85 Hot and sweat
85 or more Unbearably hot

Calculation formula for discomfort index

The discomfort index is calculated using the following formula.

Discomfort index = 0.81 × T + 0.01 × H × (0.99 × T − 14.3) + 46.3

T is Temperature(℃)
H is Humidity(%)

Quick reference table for discomfort index

This is a quick reference table of the discomfort index when changing the temperature from 0℃ to 40℃ in 1℃ increments and the humidity from 30% to 100% in 5% increments.

They are color-coded according to different sensations, so you can easily check them.

Quick reference table for discomfort index

Quick reference table for discomfort index PDF

This is a PDF of the discomfort index quick reference table.

You can easily check the discomfort index when changing the temperature from 0℃ to 40℃ in 1℃ increments and the humidity from 30% to 100% in 5% increments.